Hiring Priority Order

The collective agreement stipulates the order in which teachers are assigned work (clause 5-4.17). Depending on the type of work, hiring priorities differ. Note that priorities which apply to non-permanent teachers in the college are highlighted in bold. The priorities listed here concerning a teacher within the college are for that teacher’s own discipline, except where otherwise noted.


The following list summarizes the order in which teachers are granted a poste. If two teachers have the same priority, the teacher with the highest seniority, then with the highest experience, and finally with the highest scholarity has access to the poste. For newly-hired candidates without seniority, the candidate hired first has access to the poste. If two candidates have the same date of hiring, then the hiring order set out by the department selection committee determines who has access to the poste.

Priority 1        MED (see definition on p12) in the college (or with the right to return) in their discipline

Priority 2        MED in the college (or with the right to return) in another discipline OR teacher in the college in a discipline in which there is a MED

Priority 3        MED in the college being retrained for a reserved poste

Priority 4        MED in the same zone who requests voluntary relocation in their discipline

Priority 5        MED in another zone who requests voluntary relocation in their discipline

Priority 6       MED in the same zone in their discipline OR MED in another zone in a closed program OR MED in the same zone in their discipline being required to move OR non-permanent teacher in the college with at least 9 years of seniority for the three years following their last contract

Priority 7       Non-permanent teacher in the college with fewer than 9 years of seniority for the three years following their last contract

Priority 8       Full-time non-permanent teacher in the college for a poste in another discipline

Priority 9        Full-time non-permanent teacher at another college with their name on the Bureau de placement list for a poste at another college in their own discipline

Priority 10      MED from another college in the same zone who requests relocation in another discipline

Priority 11      MED from another college in the same zone who is retraining for a reserved poste and requests relocation in another discipline

Priority 12      MED from another college in another zone who requests relocation in another discipline

Priority 13      MED from another college in another zone who is retraining for a reserved poste and requests relocation in another discipline

Priority 14     Full-time non-permanent teacher in another college whose name is on the Bureau de placement list for another discipline

Priority 15      Professional or support staff on availability in the college (hiring committee approval required)

Priority 16      Permanent teacher in the college in another discipline

Priority 17      Manager who was a permanent teacher, for 3 years after joining management

Priority 18      Other employee in the college (provisional assignment; hiring committee approval required)

Priority 19      High school teacher on availability



The following list summarizes the order in which teachers are granted a charge (workload) in the Regular sector. Note that priorities which apply to non-permanent teachers in the college are highlighted in bold.

If two teachers have the same priority, the teacher with the highest seniority, then with the highest experience, and finally with the highest scholarity has access to the charge. For newly-hired candidates without seniority, the candidate hired first has access to the charge. If two candidates have the same date of hiring, then the hiring order set out by the department selection committee determines who has access to the charge.

Priority 1      MED (see definition on p12) in the college in their discipline

Priority 2     MED from a different college in the same zone for a full-time replacement OR non-permanent teacher in the college with at least 10 years of seniority for the three years following their last contract

Priority 3     Non-permanent teacher in the college with at least 3 years of seniority for the three years following their last contract OR MED in the college in another discipline

Priority 4      Permanent teacher from a discipline in which there is a MED for a charge in another discipline

Priority 5     Non-permanent full-time or part-time teacher** with fewer than 3 years of seniority for the three years following their last contract

Priority 6      Other employee in the college (provisional assignment; hiring committee approval required)

Priority 7     Full-time non-permanent teacher for a charge in another discipline (hiring committee approval required)

**this excludes any teacher who is exclusively hourly-paid, unless that teacher has achieved full-time status (525 contract hours in one academic year) within the last three years.

The following candidates must be considered prior to outside hiring:

  • a full-time non-permanent teacher from another college;
  • an hourly-paid teacher in the college;
  • a teacher in the college who wants to change disciplines;
  • a teacher from another college.



The following list summarizes the order in which teachers are hired for both Continuing Education (including AEC programs) charges and hourly-paid courses.

If two teachers have the same priority, the teacher with the highest seniority, then with the highest experience, and finally with the highest scholarity has access to the work. For newly-hired candidates without seniority, the candidate hired first has access to the work. If two candidates have the same date of hiring, then the hiring order set out by the department selection committee determines who has access to the work.

Priority 1      MED (see definition on p12) in the college in their discipline

Priority 2     Non-permanent teacher in the college for the three years following their last contract (with the exception of teachers with difficulties of a pedagogical nature)



The following list summarizes the order in which teachers are hired for summer courses.

If two teachers have the same priority, the teacher with the highest seniority, then with the highest experience, and finally with the highest scholarity has access to the work. For newly-hired candidates without seniority, the candidate hired first has access to the work. If two candidates have the same date of hiring, then the hiring order set out by the department selection committee determines who has access to the work.

Priority 1         MED (see definition on p12) in the college in their discipline

Priority 2        Non-permanent teacher with priority in Regular teaching (either for a poste or for a charge; see p8-9)