General Assembly

The General Assembly is composed of all registered* members of the Union and is the supreme decision-making and policy-making body of the Union. General Assemblies provide a forum for the DTU Executive to bring issues to the whole membership to gather feedback or take positions through votes on motions. 

General Assemblies are held at least once a semester, though there are certain topics that require a General Assembly. Topics that must be brought to the General Assembly include DTU budget, DTU elections, work stoppages, constitutional amendments, and membership dues. Notification of a General Assembly and a proposed agenda is usually sent at least five days in advance to all members.

All registered members of the DTU are welcome to attend General Assemblies and all registered* members are eligible to speak, propose motions, and vote in accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order.

For more information on General Assemblies, see section XVI of the DTU Constitution.

*While all teachers are members of the DTU, a registered member is a teacher who has signed the DTU membership form at some point. Note that the membership form is usually sent out to teachers when they are first hired.