The Owl Hoots: No 543

Issue 543
January 29th, 2019

514.931.8731 x 1799
fax 514.931.0761
Dawson College, Room 8A.11
3040 Sherbrooke West
Westmount, QC.
H3Z 1A4

DTU Executive
Brian Seivewright
Emilie Richer 
Mélanie Beck
Dianna Glennie 
Louisa Hadley

Administrative Assistant
Elisabeth Leone


Welcome Back!

Happy New Year! We hope the new semester is off to a great start. As always, we invite you to drop by our office in 8A.11. We can answer questions regarding workloads, seniority and priority, schooling and work experience documentation, and anything else related to working at Dawson. You can also call us at local 1799, or email us at with any questions.

General Assembly

We invite you to join us for a General Assembly on Wednesday, 30th January in 5B.13 at 11:30am. Lunch will be served at 11:15am. The items on the agenda are Negotiations 2020, Religious Neutrality, and the Policy to Counter Sexual Violence.

PDF Applications

For your request to be considered at the next meeting of the Professional Development Fund Committee, submit it by 11th February. You can drop your application off at 8A.11 or email it to We ask that applications be submitted prior to the date of the proposed activity

Regroupement Report

Members of the DTU Executive attended a Regroupement Cégep in Montreal on January 24th and 25th.

The “Comité ad hoc sur la « situation des chargé-es de cours depuis les quatre dernières négociations »” presented their report to the Regroupement which prompted a spirited debate regarding the need to prioritize the negotiation demands pertaining to Continuing Education teachers. For the DTU Executive, it highlighted the importance of a strong mobilization by the cégeps who represent the largest portion of hourly-paid teachers. Dawson teachers from all sectors have been leaders in the fight for better working conditions in the hourly-paid sector and we hope this trend will continue as negotiations approach. We may invite Cont. Ed. teachers to come to some future Regroupements to share their experiences. Our goal is to sensitize other delegates to the realities of teaching in Cont. Ed. and to highlight the impact of expanding Cont. Ed. programs in urban centers on the survival of rural cegeps.

Cont. Ed. Mobilization

In order to keep Cont. Ed. issues front and center during the upcoming negotiations, we are re-mobilizing the Cont. Ed. Mob. Committee. The first meeting is Tuesday, February 5th at 4pm in 7C.5 (Rose Lounge). All Cont. Ed. teachers are welcome! Please RSVP to so we can make sure to have enough food.

Bill 151 Policy Update

At the end of last semester, the Women’s/Gender Studies group passed a motion denouncing the lack of consultation involved in the development of the Bill 151 Policy to Counter Sexual Violence. This motion was passed at the DTU Executive Council and at many department meetings. Following this pressure, the policy was released to the Dawson community.

The Standing Committee has been formed which met on January 22nd and agreed on a process for the next steps in the consultation process. Consultation with the various unions, student groups, and some faculty groups will be starting soon, with a planned large-scale consultation for Faculty, Professionals and Support Staff, and Students to take place in March. The final policy will be presented to the Board of Governors for adoption in April.

Your Rights, Explained

Hourly Paid Work

Academic Grievance

Following a recent arbitration win, any extra duties teachers undertake outside of their normal workload (e.g. substitution, additional grading, placement test grading) should be paid at the hourly rate for hourly-paid professors (Appendix VI-1 Table B in the Collective Agreement)

We would like to remind you of your rights with respect to the evaluation of student work, in particular in the case of grade reviews. According to our Collective Agreement, only a student`s teacher or a Grade Review Committee (GRC) may modify a student`s grade (clause 8-1.02). The Academic Grievance Committee defined in the Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP) does not have the authority to modify grades, nor may it constrain the deliberations of the GRC. Further information on Grade Review and Academic Grievance Committees can be found here.

The Owl Hoots: No 542

Issue 542
November 14th, 2018

514.931.8731 x 1799
fax 514.931.0761

3040 Sherbrooke W.
room 8A.11
Westmount, QC.
H3Z 1A4

DTU Executive
Brian Seivewright
Emilie Richer
Mélanie Beck
Phil Lagogiannis

Louisa Hadley

Administrative Assistant
Elisabeth Leone


Dawson Teachers Unite for Cont. Ed!

A big thank you to all those who came out in support of our Continuing Education colleagues at the two grade-in events (15th and 30th October). We hope the College will take the necessary steps to improve the working conditions of our most precarious teachers. Don’t miss Grade-in #3 on Wednesday, November 21st at 2 pm in the 4th floor lobby (A/B wings)!

Important dates

Nov 15 – Voluntary Workload Reduction Requests

If you wish to apply for a Voluntary Workload Reduction for Winter 2019, the deadline is 15th November. You should email Odette Dubé in Human Resources.  (We suggest you copy us on this email at

Nov 28 – PDF requests

For your request to be considered at the next meeting of the Professional Development Fund Committee, submit it by 28th November at room 8A.11 or by email ( We ask that applications be submitted prior to the date of the proposed activity.

Dec 31 – Final Grades Deadline

A reminder that there is only one deadline for final grades for all teachers, whether Cont’Ed or Regular, with or without exams held during the final exam period. The deadline for all teachers to submit final grades is 31st December, 2018.

November is Insurance Month!

During the month of November, you have the opportunity to make changes to your insurance coverage. Changes will take effect on January 1st, 2019. Note that there have been some recent modifications to the insurance policy which will affect both your coverage and your premiums. You can check out more details here. If you wish to alter your plan, you should contact Faten Samné in Human Resources.

General Assembly Recap

The November General Assembly served as a kick-off to the fast-approaching 2020 negotiations. We asked members to suggest issues that they would like to see prioritized at the bargaining table. Topics highlighted were: additional support for disciplines with rapid technological change, better consideration of student numbers in Physical Education CI calculation and improvement of Continuing Education working conditions.

We remind members that they play a crucial role in determining the DTU’s negotiation priorities, stay tuned for upcoming G.A.s!

Transfer of Availability

As the holidays are approaching, a reminder that teachers remain available to the college between the Fall and Winter semesters, with the exception of 25th December and 1st January. If you plan to be away during this period, you should submit a Transfer of Availability form.

Freedom of Religion

At its meeting on the 24th of October, the DTU Executive Council “affirm[ed] the right of all teachers to perform their duties wearing religious symbols.” The Religious Studies Department has asked the DTU to pass on the following message:

“The Religious Studies Department regards the proposed law to keep teachers from wearing clothing that makes their religious affiliation apparent as discriminatory. At the same time, such a law encourages, and in the mind of some, legitimates acts of disrespect, harassment, and even violence. For this reason, we are against this proposed law — we would like to see a neutral and tolerant society that allows all people the freedom to choose what they believe and wear.

We invite all those who would like to express their opposition to the law by wearing a religious symbol to contact Sonia Zylberberg who has offered to crochet a kippah (with your own choice of colours) for anyone who wishes to wear one.”

The Owl Hoots: No 541

Issue 541
September 6th, 2018

514.931.8731 x 1799
fax 514.931.0761

3040 Sherbrooke W.
room 8A.11
Westmount, QC.
H3Z 1A4

DTU Executive
Brian Seivewright
Emilie Richer
Mélanie Beck
Phil Lagogiannis

Louisa Hadley

Administrative Assistant
Elisabeth Leone


Welcome back!

The DTU Executive invites you to drop by room 8A.11 for questions regarding workloads, seniority and priority, schooling and work experience, or anything else related to life at Dawson. You can also call us (x1799), or email us (

Important dates

Sep 21 – PDF requests

For your request to be considered at the next meeting of the Professional Development Fund Committee, submit it by the 21st of September. You can drop your application off in room 8A.11 or email it to Applications must be submitted prior to the date of the proposed activity.

Oct 3 – General Assembly: Unite for Cont’Ed

Given Dawson’s failure to address the precarious working conditions in Cont’Ed, we will be holding a General Assembly to mobilize for change. All teachers are encouraged to attend.  Join us at 3pm in the board room (5B.13).

Important message for non-permanent teachers

We encourage you to consult the DTU before you refuse any workload you have been offered. Refusals can have a substantial impact on your future hiring priority. Teachers who would like to learn more about seniority, priority, and workload distribution are welcome to stop by the DTU office in room 8A.11, or to send us an email at

Long-term disability insurance

You can opt in to our long-term disability insurance policy, without proof of insurability, at the beginning of each of your first three Regular sector contracts with a minimum value of 0.167 ETCs. Your request must be made within the first 30 days of your contract. You can send an email to to begin the process. (We suggest that you copy us on this email at

Note that long-term disability insurance enrollment is automatic once you acquire permanence or at the beginning of your fourth full-time contract, whichever comes first.

Check your pay stub

We strongly encourage you to check your pay stub and to contact us with any questions you might have about it, especially if you think you’ve noticed a discrepancy.

Your Rights, Explained

The Selection Committee

The collective agreement tasks each department with selecting its future members. The department selection committee recommends candidates to the College for hire. Each selection committee must consist of three faculty members from the department and two College representatives.

Recommendations to the College must be based on professional competencies and on pedagogical aptitude. In the event that the committee recommends multiple candidates, it is essential to rank the candidates. This ranking determines their initial hiring priority.

If the committee unanimously recommends a candidate, the College must hire them. A majority recommendation from the committee does not bind the College to hire the candidate. Finally, the College cannot hire a candidate without at least a majority recommendation from the selection committee.

We ask teachers to inform the DTU if any member of a selection committee invokes affirmative action or access to employment in the ranking of candidates. While selection committees are bound by the recommendations of the affirmative action committee, the College has neglected to convene this committee for a very long time.

We also ask teachers to inform the DTU if a selection committee is improperly constituted, or if a College representative attempts to veto a majority decision.

Special Leaves and Family Days

Both Regular and Continuing Education faculty are eligible for special leaves without loss of pay under clause 5-9.01 of the collective agreement. These include short-term leaves for the death of your spouse or a family member; for your wedding or a wedding in your immediate family; for moving; or due to an act of God preventing you from working. 

All teachers also benefit from up to ten days of leave for family reasons per year under clause 5-9.06. These leaves may be used for any obligations arising from the care or education of your child or your spouse’s child, or from the health of a spouse or a close relative.  Up to six of these days may be claimed from your sick bank, if applicable. Half-day leaves are also possible.

Extended leaves for family reasons are available in exceptional circumstances. Feel free to contact the DTU for more information.

If you need to avail yourself of one of these leaves, you must inform your sector dean in writing as soon as possible. You are encouraged to copy the DTU in your correspondence (

Cont’Ed Working Conditions

Dawson’s administrators ignore pleas from Cont’Ed teachers

Last January, eight Continuing Education teachers from the French department wrote to Richard Filion (Director General), Diane Gauvin (Academic Dean), Andréa Cole (Dean of Creative and Applied Arts), Pascahl Scott (Director of Human Resources), and Johanne Rocheleau (Dean of Continuing Education and Community Services) denouncing their unequal working conditions, discounted salaries, and lack of sick days. They implored their administrators to take action.

Below are two excerpts. As of September 6 — nearly eight months after they reached out — they have yet to receive a response.

From Elisa Romano:

“As the semester begins, I would like to remind the administration that Conted teaching conditions are inequitable. I have been working at Dawson since 2008 and as a French teacher since 2012. While I am proud to be part of our inspiring community, I cannot help but be disappointed by the difficult working conditions that my Conted colleagues and I continue to face. We have no sick days; no vacations; no paid support hours to offer our students; our pay is significantly unequal to our workload; and our classes are often confirmed days (or sometimes even hours) before they start.

Conted welcomes more and more students as its ratio in relation to day classes keeps increasing. However, no one is acknowledging our importance in the Dawson and Cegep communities or is ready to give us the conditions we deserve. After six years of teaching at Dawson, both night and day, I am still faced with an uncertain professional future. I have since become a mother and the prospect of having to work nights for many more years to come (at almost half the salary of my daytime colleagues) is a daunting one. Without access to sick days, I cross my fingers that neither my son nor I will fall ill during the semester. Reconciling work and family is a constant struggle for a Conted teacher.

As I come out of my first class, galvanized by my students and their enthusiasm to learn, I cannot but reflect on all the ways that our working conditions negatively affect our students. Every semester I dread the moment when a student will ask me to meet for extra help outside of class, or to go over a test score, or to redo an exam. By all accounts these students deserve the same learning environment as their daytime peers. The same is also true for their teachers.”

From Adeline Caute:

“[This] August will mark the end of my fifth year as a member of faculty, and still I teach full time at Continuing Education. I hold a PhD from UQAM and I have been teaching in post secondary education for the past thirteen years. This year, my projected salary at Dawson is 38 280$. If I was teaching full time in the Day Division, teaching the exact same courses to the same number of students in the same classroom, I would be making 82 909$, with sick days and benefits. The reason why I am writing today is to express my indignation at the ever worsening conditions of my employment.

When I was first hired, I was told that teachers will stay at Cont’Ed for a year or two. At the time, I had other opportunities, with two Montreal universities concurrently hiring me as a lecturer, but my spouse and I decided that I would prioritize Dawson, because, in time, Dawson could offer me what a lecturing position never would : financial stability and permanence. At the time, our 6 month-old son was in the NICU and we were about to receive a diagnosis that would change our lives : he had MEDNIK syndrome, a life-threatening condition, which, if he were to survive, would rob him of the ability to walk, talk, and feed himself. With my being hired at Dawson, my spouse and I breathed a sigh of relief, as we felt like we could put a lot of our financial and material anxiety to rest.

Almost five years later, I am very happy to say that my son is still with us. We live off my salary only because my spouse had to stop working to make the endless medical appointments. Adding to our financial precarity, I teach nights, therefore I don’t get to see my son when he comes home from daycare. In fact, the day when I will be able to be home in the evening feels more remote today than ever. The number of Cont’Ed sections has more than doubled in the past five years, and, while two years ago, I had a day time course in the Winter, right now, the two people above me in my department’s seniority list teach full time at Cont’Ed.”

The Owl Hoots: No 540

Issue 540
September 12th, 2017

514.931.8731 x 1799
fax 514.931.0761

3040 Sherbrooke W.
room 8A.11
Westmount, QC.
H3Z 1A4

DTU Executive
Brian Seivewright
Yann Lamontagne
Mélanie Beck
Phil Lagogiannis


Welcome back!

The DTU Executive invites you to drop by our office in room 8A.11. We can answer your questions regarding workloads, seniority and priority, schooling and work experience documentation, and anything else related to working at Dawson. You can also call us at extension 1799, or email us at with your questions.

We are in the process of rolling out our new website at We’ve done our best to provide as much information as possible, and to streamline navigation. Feedback is welcome!

Important dates

Professional Development Fund Requests

If you want your request to be considered at the next meeting of the PDF committee, make sure to submit it before September 14th. You can drop your application off in room 8A.11, or you can email it to Please note that your application must be submitted prior to the date of the proposed activity.

Check your paystub

We strongly encourage you to check your paystub and to contact us with any questions you might have about it, especially if you think you’ve noticed a discrepancy.

Teachers who were on leave (sick leave, parental leave, or other) in 2016-2017 should verify their vacation pay. The DTU can help you determine whether an error has been committed.

Long-term disability insurance

You can opt in to our long-term disability insurance policy, without proof of insurability, at the beginning of each of your first three Regular sector contracts with a minimum value of 0.167 ETCs. Your request must be made within the first 30 days of your contract. You can send an email to to begin the process. (We suggest that you copy us on this email at

Note that long-term disability insurance enrolment is automatic once you acquire permanence or at the beginning of your fourth full-time contract, whichever comes first.

Your Rights, Explained

Sick Days


The following is how the College allots your sick days.

When a teacher is first hired into the Regular sector — and only then — six (6) sick days are automatically added to their sick bank. Every teacher, regardless of their workload, is credited with these six days.

Every year on September 1, seven (7) sick days are credited to each full-time Regular sector teacher; for part-time teachers, that number is prorated to their workload. These seven days constitute your ‘current sick days’ for the year and are not cumulative. However, if the total number of sick days in your bank is less than or equal to thirteen (13) on June 30, your unused current sick days are added to your sick bank. (No unused current sick days are added to your bank if you have more than thirteen sick days in your bank.) Unused days cannot be converted into cash.

If you take a leave (other than a parental leave or a sick leave), the seven current sick days are adjusted on a prorata basis to the impact of the leave on your availability.


You must notify the College (your Sector Dean’s office) as soon as possible, and you must identify exactly which classes have to be cancelled. Each Dean has a phone number dedicated to absences, so you can call anytime. Your absence will be posted on the Cancelled Classes board and on the College website.

Upon your return to work, you will need to fill out a Certificate of Absence as promptly as possible. The form is available from Human Resources (4B.7), from your Sector Dean, and on the Dawson website (in the ‘Online Forms’ section). Clearly indicate on the Certificate of Absence whether you were unavailable for only half of a day (e.g. for a medical appointment).

The College may request that you provide a medical certificate any time that you take a sick day. However, it usually does not do so unless your absence extends beyond five (5) days. If the College requests a medical certificate from a teacher absent for fewer than 4 days, it is at their expense.


The first five (5) consecutive days of absence are paid at 100% of your salary, provided you have enough sick days available in your sick bank. If you have no sick days remaining, then you are simply not paid. After five working days of illness, you are placed on salary insurance (also referred to as short-term disability insurance). Subsequent sick days are paid at 85% of your normal salary for the first year, and at 66 2/3% for the second year. Note that during your sick leave, you are exempt from paying RREGOP premiums, and your long-term disability and life insurance premiums are waived as of the 30th day of your illness.

After this two-year period, you may be eligible to collect benefits under our long-term disability insurance policy, which is optional for most non-permanent teachers but compulsory for permanent teachers. If you do not have long-term disability insurance, you will not receive any income. Your health insurance premiums will also be waived once you become eligible for long-term disability benefits.

Neither short-term nor long-term disability insurance affects your sick day bank balance.


You have the right to be absent from work for up to ten (10) days per year to fulfill obligations relating to the care, health or education of your child or your spouse’s child, or for health reasons related to your spouse, father, mother, brother, sister or grandparent. You can use up to six (6) sick days for these absences. The remaining four (4) are without pay. These days may be divided into half-days. You must inform the College of your intention to avail yourself of these days as soon as possible.