The DTU Executive
Louisa Hadley, President
Brian Seivewright, VP Internal
Mélanie Beck, VP External
Antonia Fikkert, Secretary-Treasurer
Emilie Richer, Grievance Officer
Administrative Assistant
Elisabeth Leone
DTU email: dtu@dtu.qc.ca
In this Issue:
Common Front Mobilisation
Local Mobilisation
Union Dues Holiday
Ventilation Issues
Pub Night
November is Insurance Month
Voluntary Workload Reduction
Scholarity Evaluations
Retirement and RREGOP

Common Front Mobilisation
On Friday, October 28, members of the DTU Executive participated in a demonstration to launch the Common Front for the 2023 round of Negotiations. We joined representatives from CSN, CSQ, FTQ and APTS unions in Quebec City in a show of solidarity as we marched to the Ministry to present our central table demands.
Local Mobilisation
On November 1, teachers at Dawson met with Diane Gauvin to deposit a copy of our Sectoral Table demands, which were submitted to the CPNC on October 21. You can read the initial sectoral demands on our website, in English or in French.
As negotiations ramp up, there will be more local actions and more opportunities for you to have your voices heard! Keep an eye out for information on how to get involved!

Union Dues Holiday
After closing its budget for 2020-2021 and reviewing its financial position, the DTU Executive assessed that there is a sufficient accumulated surplus to allow for a dues holiday for all members, as we have done in the past. At the General Assembly in which the budget for 2021-2022 was approved, the DTU Executive proposed two Union dues holidays, one for Fall 2022 and one for Winter 2023, which were approved.
The first of these Union dues holidays will be for the pay period of 13 to 26 November 2022. The DTU Executive has asked the College not to deduct dues for this pay period. On the pay statement of 24 November, there should be an amount of 0.00 in the “current” column for Union dues. Deductions for Union dues will resume for the subsequent pay period.

Ventilation Issues
Several teachers have reported issues with ventilation in their classrooms. Although some of these issues appear to have been resolved, if you are experiencing problems in your classroom or office, we invite you to email Jorge Sanchez directly (jsanchez@dawsoncollege.qc.ca) and copy the DTU (dtu@dtu.qc.ca).

November is Insurance Month!
During the month of November, you have the opportunity to make changes to your insurance coverage. Changes will take effect on January 1, 2023. Note that there have been some recent modifications to the insurance policy which will affect both your coverage and your premiums. You can check out more details
If you wish to alter your plan, you should contact Allison Freund in Human Resources.
Voluntary Workload Reduction Requests
If you wish to apply for a Voluntary Workload Reduction for Winter 2023, the deadline is November 15. You should email Cristina Stanciu in Human Resources at hrfaculty@dawsoncollege.qc.ca. We suggest that you copy the DTU on this email at dtu@dtu.qc.ca.
Scholarity Evaluations
Our FNEEQ representatives on the Scholairty Committee have informed us of some issues that have been identified with the evaluation of scholarity in two very specific situations. If either of the situations below apply to you, please contact the DTU (dtu@dtu.qc.ca) so that our representatives can look into your case.
- You completed two DEC programs, one of which was in a technical program and one of which was a pre-University program.
- You completed a Specialist Diploma based on the USSR educational system or a Kandidat Nauk. Evaluation rules have recently been changed for these.
Retirement and RREGOP Training
FNEEQ is providing an online training session on retirement and RREGOP for members, which will include information about how to buy back leave periods. The training will take place on Tuesday, November 29 from 5pm until 7pm. If you wish to attend this training, please email the DTU (dtu@dtu.qc.ca) by noon on Friday, 18 November. A Zoom link will be sent to registered participants nearer the time.